LOS ANGELES, California 90036

$7 for dbl feature (2nd movie TBA)

Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together — it's mass hysteria. Or, at least it will be if busybody Walter Peck gets his way. 1980s New York is under otherworldly attack (not just by bureaucrats), and it's up to everyone's favorite gang of outcast parapsychology professors to whup some ectoplasmic ass. Sure, the Ghostbusters pack pretty mean protons, but is that enough to foil Gozer the Gozerian — or will the apocalyptic demigod be resurrected in all her Bowie-esque glory? Our money's on the boys in beige: after all, Zuul might be able transform Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis into lust-driven demon dogs, but it'd take more than a mountain-tall marshmallow man to spook Bill Murray. - Andrew Phillips

Added by PEOPLE WHO DONT HATE FUN on November 13, 2007