Ghost Bird is a feature length documentary about an extinct giant woodpecker, a small town In Arkansas hoping to reverse it misfortunes, and the tireless odyssey of the bird-watchers and scientists searching for the Holy Grail of birds, the elusive Ivory-billed woodpecker.
Panel Discussion to follow screening.
Sustainability Film Series 2011 is an innovative and exciting collaborative series of films and panel discussions designed to generate awareness, conversation and debate around current issues in sustainability. The Series features local premieres of visionary documentary films that explore sustainability, followed by panels of vibrant and informative discussions comprised of leading academics, community leaders, and proactive citizens who present and exchange ideas and views on current and local trends in sustainability.
Sustainability Film Series 2011 Admission:
Regular Adult - $8.00
Members of the Bell Museum & The Film Society - $5.00
U of M Students - Free w/ ID
Other Students - $5.00 w/ ID
Children under 12 - $5.00
Official Website:
Added by UMN Institute for Advanced Study on February 16, 2011