Dates: April 2nd, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm (~3 classroom hours a day)
Instructor: Rick Mason
Price: $49
Max Students: 33
Location: Rich Media Institute - Toronto - 156 Augusta Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2L5 (map)
first half of this course will help you organize your digital photos
and prepare them for the web. We'll look at Adobe Lightroom and Google
Picassa as tools for organizing and prepping images. We'll talk about
options for backing up your precious files so they don't get lost due
to a hard drive failure. Then we'll cover basic editing options and how
to save copies of your photos for online viewing.
In the second half of the course we'll look at how you can get your
photos on the web for a multitude of purposes. You'll learn how you can
use Flickr and Picasso to easily organize and share your photos with
the world or just friends and family. Then we'll cover different
options for putting your photos on your own website or blog, including
how to use some of the pre-built Flash and AJAX based gallery tools
that are freely available online.
Who this course is for:
is this course is for? Anyone with a digital camera and a desire to
share their photos. Amateurs and professionals are welcome will both
learn techniques useful to them.
What you will walk away with: An understanding of how to take
your digital photos from your camera to the web and the processes
involved in between.
Course Outline
introduction to terminology: vector, bitmap, pixels, compression
image formats for the web
setting up a workflow
software options: Lightroom, Picassa, Photoshop (including Elements & photoshop.com), Gimp
basic editing, including cropping, levels and color adjustments
resizing: resolution and dpi
saving for the web, compression
image galleries, including Photoshop & Lightroom generated files and Flash+XML galleries
transferring files: FTP and other image uploaders
backup and storage
(time permitting) brief intro to setting up your own website or blog for displaying photos
Organized by Rich Media InstututeEducation for Creative and Digital Professionals
Ticket Info: Regular, C$52.74
Official Website: http://gettingimagesonline-upcoming.eventbrite.com