This three-hour workshop introducesparticipantsto theproposal writing process, providing a step-by-step approachto creation ofthe project concept,identification of funding sources and production of the proposal, budget and attachments.
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
1. Know what resources are available to conduct a targeted search for potentialsources of funding.
2. Explain thedefinitionsand acronyms usedin the application process.
3. Understand the process for preparing the components of a competitive proposal, includingabstract,justification of need, methodology, work plan,evaluation,budget and budget narrative, logic models, and staffing plans.
Highly interactive and extremely practical, this workshop is designed to engage participants in the process of preparing an application through the review of a winning proposal as a case study.
Over the past decade, Andrew Krzmarzick has written over 100awarded grants, earning more than $100 million in revenue for organizations across the United States. In 2008 alone, Andrewled proposal teams that won more than $12 million from public and private funding sources for non-profits, cities, and school districts.Andrew attained a Master's Certificate in Project Management from Villanova University and earned his Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Iowa State University of Science and Technology and a Master of Arts in Theology from The Catholic University of America.
Continental Breakfast will be provided from 8:30am - 9:00am. All proceeds will benefit the Food and Nutrition Association.
Organized by Food & Nutrition Association
Official Website: http://gettingyourfirstgrant-upcoming.eventbrite.com