Our fears can sometimes incapacitate us so we can barely make a decision about breakfast, much less about the rest of our lives. The way in which a horse connects with the emotions of a client can bypass conscious thought and illuminate where your "stickiness" lies, even if you aren't aware of it. With the issue thus clarified, change becomes less elusive and your pathway more clear.
At the EquusEmbrace "Getting Unstuck" Women's Workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn from the powerful equine teacher about clarity, focus and intention. You'll get to test your own powers of awareness, concentration, and intuition. And there will be one-on-one sessions that can help you to see yourself in an entirely new way.
Working with EquusEmbrace horses, you may discover that the "you" you've been trying to hide is the one that is most attractive to others (including horses). And when you find the courage to embrace your truth, life gets easier and joy is no longer that elusive emotion that other people get to experience. The work can be extremely powerful, with changes often happening very quickly.
No horse experience is necessary. All the work is done on the ground (no riding).
Official Website: http://www.equusembrace.com
Added by FullCalendar on July 1, 2010