Alumni Career Services at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, together with Highland Team, a marketing strategy consulting firm, and Kathryn Ullrich Associates, Inc., experts in executive recruiting, present Getting to the Top in Marketing. This event in the series explores the skills and knowledge successful marketing leaders leverage in their careers to get to the top.

Getting to the Top
Come learn the keys to Getting to the Top from a panel of VP Marketing experts with senior management experience at Adobe, eBay, Cisco, and Symantec:

**Melissa Dyrdahl, SVP Corporate Marketing and Communications, Adobe
**Judy Kirkpatrick, VP International Development, eBay
**Denise Peck, VP Marketing Operations, Cisco
**Marlene Williamson, VP Americas Marketing, Symantec

Attend a new career development series, Getting to the Top, where executives share skills and tips for advancing to the next level in your career.

Other programs in the Getting to the Top series are:
April 4 Getting Unstuck
May 3 Getting to the Top in Sales Management
June 6 Getting to the Top in Public Relations
Sept 7 Getting to the Top in Strategic Alliances & Channels Management
Oct 3 Career Assessment and Strategies
Nov 9 Getting to the Top - CEOs with Marketing & Sales Backgrounds

$25 Stanford GSB Alumni; $40 all others. Price increases at the door.

Phone: 650-224-6295

Added by FullCalendar on February 15, 2006