215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 128
Toronto, Ontario

Getting to Maybe: How the World is Changed - Breakfast Forum

Frances Westley & Brenda Zimmerman

Getting to Maybe: How the World is Changed
Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 7:30 - 9:00 AM
215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 128
$10 at the door, pre-registration required

Join us for a morning discussion with authors Frances Westley and Brenda Zimmerman as they discuss their new 'guide to social innovation'.

Getting to Maybe studies fascinating real-life examples of social change through a systems-and-relationships lens and teases out the rules of engagement between volunteers, leaders, organizations and circumstance and then applies the insights of complexity theory and harvests the experiences of a wide range of people and organizations to lay out a brand new way of thinking about making change in communities, in business, and in the world.

For a detailed flyer, please visit sustain.web.ca

If you would like to attend, pre-registration is required. Please send your name and organizational affiliation to Saul at info@sustain.web.ca. A continental breakfast will be provided.

Official Website: http://sustain.web.ca

Added by cwhardwi on October 11, 2006

Interested 2