1400 Robson Street
Vancouver, British Columbia


The knowledge, best practices and process to help you get there

March 27th & 28th, 2008

Empire Landmark Hotel & Conference Centre
1400 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC

Additional Information and Registration

In recent years there have been a number of excellent sustainability conferences put on by FCM, UBCM, Gaining Grounds and the Fresh Outlook Foundation to name a few. These conferences feature top level speakers addressing many sustainability topics, often presenting a macro view. With the Provincial Government’s gas emissions reduction policy many local governments know they have to do something but are unsure what to do or how to do it. This workshop will lay out the what, why and how.

what is different about this workshop?
This workshop builds on what others have done at the macro view and drills down to a very practical, micro level. The workshop provides unique perspectives and “how to,” actionable plans. Speakers will provide concrete ideas on what they are successfully implementing, at this time, at the local level. The workshop also uses learning roundtables to provide delegates with an opportunity to share and discuss measures they are undertaking.

The outcomes of the workshop are to:

* understand senior government’s expectations and regulations on reducing the carbon footprint
* hear speakers who are demonstrating workable, sustainability initiatives in local government in the areas of water, waste management, energy, green buildings and gas emissions
* provide a process for local government to use in moving forward to meet the requirements
* draw from the ideas and discussions to start their own process on relevant initiatives
* outline available funding and provide a funding guide
* demonstrate the setting of performance measures

All participants will be provided a working manual. The afternoon of Day 2 will be devoted to developing plans for their own jurisdiction. Each participant will leave the workshop with a process to follow for sustainable initiatives in their community.

who should attend?

* Senior managers with responsibility for Public Works, Sanitation, Waste and Recycling, Community Services, Finance and Planning
* Local government politicians
* First Nations leaders
* Those with an interest in sustainability issues in local government, key infrastructure consultants and developers.

* Additional Information and Registration

Organizer: NOVA Quality Training and Consulting

Contact Information

Name: Valerie Jenkinson Phone: 604-290-3803

Web site: http://www.novaquality.net/
Email: valeriejenkinson@telus.net

Official Website: http://www.novaquality.net/

Added by thegreenpages on March 2, 2008