Do you worry that the end of the year is approaching faster than reaching your fundraising goals? Do you wonder what to say about the economy to your donors? Do you want to get a head start on next year? Or, do you just wonder what people mean when they say, "We had a great year end"? Kim Klein helps you with all these questions and more in this specific, hands-on webinar discussing how to get maximum mileage out of the last two months of this most unusual year. This webinar is based on chapters from Kim's new book, Reliable Fundraising In Unreliable Times, available September 2009 from Jossey Bass/Wiley
Kim Klein is internationally known as a fundraising trainer and consultant. She is a member of the Building Movement Project and leads workshops on tax policy and the importance of the "commons" for them as well as being a regular contributor to their website. She is the Chardon Press Series Editor at Jossey-Bass Publishers, which publishes and distributes materials that help to build a stronger nonprofit sector, and the founder of the bimonthly Grassroots Fundraising Journal. She is also the author of Fundraising for Social Change (now in its fifth edition, 2006), Fundraising for the Long Haul (2000), which explores the particular challenges of older grassroots organizations, and Ask and You Shall Receive: A Fundraising Training Program for Religious Organizations or Projects, Raise More Money (2001) which she edited with her partner, Stephanie Roth, and Fundraising in Times of Crisis (2004). Widely in demand as a speaker, Kim Klein has provided training and consultation in all 50 states and in 21 countries.
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Added by GIFT on July 23, 2009