350 West Burnsville Parkway, Suite 350
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337

In today’s information-saturated world, getting your message to the right listeners requires a variety of distinct communication highways. Utilizing Twitter, with its sleek, streamlined blurbs delivered directly via text, is arguably our newest fast lane. However, if you find that your account and your content aren’t thriving, they may require a bit of a tune up. Twitter, just like any other vehicle on the communication highway, takes a little know-how to harness it and maximize its potential.

Understanding the tricks and tactics of the Twitter interface can be just as essential as crafting the right message. A little applied knowledge can go a long way toward assisting you with managing several accounts at once, increasing your followers, and still having time to pilot your life.

Key Takeaways:

Attract and keep more followers by getting more out of your Twitter account
Offer up-to-date and pertinent information by searching for and incorporating a body of trusted sources
Automatically update your account with information from your blog and YouTube channels
Cycle your content accordingly to highlight your best posts and stay efficient
Be mindful of Twitter etiquette

You Will Learn:

How to provide great content and give your followers a steady flow of reliable information
How to use time-saving tools such as TwitterFeed and HootSuite to maximize your account’s efficiency
How to keep your followers updated and informed on your other social media sites, such as your blog or YouTube account, using your Twitter posts
How to incorporate trusted sources into your feed

Added by moritz_natalie on June 28, 2012

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