Yogyakarta, Special Region of Yogyakarta

How do you influence people who don’t work for you to get the results you need?

Whether you’re dealing with bosses, colleagues, staff members or senior management, the ability to win respect, influence people and cultivate cooperation is absolutely essential to career success. What’s more, in challenging economic times, the people with whom you interact in business can change on a moment’s notice. The ability to adapt quickly and work with anyone to achieve desired results is crucial—especially when you don’t have immediate authority to command their cooperation. At this seminar, you’ll focus on the key elements of influencing others when there is lack of authority—personal power, persuasion and negotiation.

Learn how to influence people by building your power base using the Personal Power Model…understand exchange and reciprocity (the first steps in the influence process) …adapt behavior patterns that build credibility…persuade with a framework of discovery, preparation and dialogue…master the key components of negotiation.

You’ll practice influencing techniques right from day one through the final activity on day three of this information-packed program—and enhance your learning with videos, exercises, assessment tools and group discussions.
How You Will Benefit

* Establish or regain credibility so you can begin to influence people
* Effectively use your power base to persuade others
* Understand the person you’re trying to influence—and persuade through give-and-take
* Develop and grow relationships within your organization and beyond
* Create a collaborative work environment for faster, better results
* Let work styles and communication differences work for, not against, you
* Successfully sell your ideas and implement change
* Achieve trust and give-and-take relationships up, down and across the organization
* Influence people while projecting self-confidence without being pushy
* Adapt your style to the person or situation you’re dealing with
* Identify various negotiating techniques that promote win-win outcomes

What You Will Cover

Personal Power

* Understanding your personal power
* Personal power behaviors
* Attributes of effective/ineffective influencers
* Your power relative to the other person
* Influence strategies
* Commitment Model: why commitment from others doesn’t happen by chance

Reciprocity and Relationships: The First Step in the Influence Process

* Mental model of influence
* Reciprocity assessment and case study
* Principles of reciprocity
* Building relationships
* Creating partnership

Personal Preference

* Linkages between personal styles and reciprocity, relationship, partnership
* Style indicator and interpretation tool
* Blind spots in your self-knowledge
* The negative attribution cycle


* Key components of persuasion: discovery, preparation, dialogue
* The need to adjust to different audiences
* Understanding the world of the other person
* The role of investment and risk in persuasion
* Achieving credibility
* Managing stakeholders
* Reaching a common goal
* Selling your position by providing evidence
* Connecting emotionally
* Best form of communication: listening, questioning
* Practicing persuasion techniques

When Conflict Comes Between You and Your Desired Results

* Approaches to conflict resolution
* Conflict activity
* Giving and receiving feedback
* Using a win-win mindset

Getting Better Results Through Negotiation

* Power, information, timing and approach
* Basic principles of negotiation
* Various steps in negotiation
* Final negotiation activity

Developing an Action Plan
Who Should Attend

Managers, supervisors, team leaders, project managers and office professionals who need to get work done through others—or anyone who needs to influence people or convince them to buy into an idea or follow up on a request.
Extended Training Description

Learning Objectives

* Determine Your Personal Power Base
* Analyze Your Approach When Influencing Others, and Know How to Adjust It
* Identify the Fundamentals of Exchange and Reciprocity
* Develop and Apply Persuasion Skills Using Four Skill Steps to Influence Others
* Improve Your Basic Interpersonal Skills of Listening, Questioning and Providing Constructive Feedback
* Appreciate the Value of Constructive Conflict and Learn How to Work Through Conflict Situations When Influencing
* Identify the Basic Steps of Negotiation, and Promote Win/Win Results

Personal Power

* Describe the Personal Power Model and How to Use It as Your Personal Power Base
* Identify the Behaviors Indicating Effective Influencing
* Define Ways to Develop the Platform for a Personal Power Base

Building Your Personal Power Base

* Describe How Exchange, Relationship and Partnership Are the Foundation of One’s Personal Power Base and the Keys to Influence
* Identify Your Exchange Portfolio
* Define the Principle of Reciprocity
* Identify Ways to Build Relationships Upward, Downward and Laterally Within Your Organization
* Explain the Value of Creating Partnerships

Personal Preferences

* Describe the Importance of Behavioral Patterns When Influencing Others
* Explain the Major Behavioral Patterns That You Deal with in Organizations
* Identify Your Preferred Behavioral Pattern and Those of Others
* Define the Impact of the Negative Attribution Cycle


* Define and Apply Credibility, Logic and Emotion in the Persuasion Process
* Evaluate Where Your Audience Is on Both the Communication and Personality Issues, and Develop an Approach
* Discuss How Persuasion Is a Learning and Negotiation Process
* Explain How to Follow the Key Learning Steps of Discovery, Preparation and Dialogue in the Persuasion Process

When Conflict Comes Between You and Your Desired Results

* Describe the Impact on Getting Results
* Discuss the Conflict Management Responses Available
* Define How to Provide Constructive Feedback and Not Add to the Conflict
* Explain How to Select the Appropriate Option for a Situation

Getting Better Results Through Negotiation

* Explain the Key Preparation and Process Steps of Negotiation
* Define and Apply the Principles of "Soft" Negotiation
* Apply Influence, Persuasion and Negotiation Activity

Action Plan

* Identify Learning Points from the Program
* Apply Learning Points to Specific Changes on Persuasion Offers

Official Website: http://www.focustraco.com/index.php/tm-training-schedule/details/119-110132

Added by training.focus on March 17, 2009