135 E Mulberry (Hwy 35)
Angleton, Texas 77515

Instructor: Rikki Mitman

Have you experienced the heartbreak of setting up your beautiful handwork at a craft show, only to sit and watch as shoppers pass you by for the cheap, mass-produced goods at the next table? Maybe those shows are not the right venue for you. Maybe you should sell your work through shops and galleries.
Led by Rikki Mitman, whose professional background includes 15 years in advertising, marketing, and public relations, this marketing seminar is highly relevant to anyone who wants to sell their handwork. We will cover:
* Setting goals
* Identifying your target market
* Finding the right outlets for your work
* Getting an appointment
* Presenting your work in a professional manner
* Pricing strategies
* Building and using a customer list
* Protecting yourself in consignment agreements
* Managing business relationships
* Developing a winning image
* and more!
The comprehensive handout packet includes worksheets to help you set realistic goals and to evaluate prospective shops/galleries, along with a complete set of notes pages that are printed with slides from the seminar presentation.

Official Website: http://www.createdinspirations.com

Added by rikkim on May 20, 2010

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