Learn how to get your credit fixed legally, quickly and easily. If you have bad credit you are not alone. According to FICO there are nearly 75 million Americans who have bad credit. This is costing them thousands of dollars every year.
A FICO certified credit repair expert will be speaking at the May 16th event providing information about how you could have good credit in as little as 90 days and get your life back on track.
The good thing about his system is that there are no monthly fees. The system is fast, easy and simple and best of all you don't have to pay until you see results.
The credit repair expert has a free 'do-it-yourself credit repair' eBook that you can get immediate access to by going to the website www.SFBAI.com
Official Website: http://creditfix.eventbrite.com/
Added by FullCalendar on May 8, 2012