Get to Know Us! Savings and Service through CCSNYS Membership Presented by CCSNYSPoughkeepsie Regional Office
Over 1,500 nonprofits already know that being a member of CCSNYS can help them with the important business of running their nonprofit. Whether it is education, tools, resources and best practices or saving you money (we saved our members over $230,000 on insurance premiums already in 2009!)CCSNYS is your first call. Whether youre a member or not, we promise there will be something for you to learn about CCSNYS. Bring us your biggest problem well show you a way that membership in CCSNYS can help you solve it!
Date:Wednesday,June 17th, 2009Time:10:00amto 12:00am
Cost:Free!- Open to CCSNYS Members & Non-Members
CCSNYS Mid-Hudson Regional Office
85 Cannon Street
Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Organized by Council of Community Services of NYSFounded in 1927, CCSNYS is a 501(C)(3) membership-based, mission-driven, statewide association of diverse charitable nonprofit organizations. With over 1,300 members, we work to build the capacity of nonprofits and communities to enhance the quality of life through responsive, cost-effective service. Our mission-based activities are enhanced by two subsidiary corporations: Innovative Charitable Initiatives, Inc., and Council Services Plus.
Ticket Info: Registration, Free
Official Website: http://gtkupoug617-upcoming.eventbrite.com