Calling All Fools! The DC Idiotarod race kicks off Saturday, March 11,
2006 at 2:00 pm.
What the Hell is the Idiotarod Anyway?
It's a day of racing, making an ass of yourself, meeting new people, stopping and having chats with some local bartenders, potentially dressing up, and generally having one of the best days of your life.
The race starts with registration and Check-in at the Front Page in Dupont Circle, three checkpoint bars in between and a large party at Tom Tom in Adam's Morgan. Plan to make a fool of yourself, or come and mock your friends. And all in the name of giving back to the community.
All the basic information that you need is below. For full race details & to register visit ( At least one team member needs to read the whole thing, so you understand the basics and the official rules.
Short Version:
* Mark Calendar and Rally Friends
* Form team and pre-register
* Find a cart
* Possibly arrange for costumes for self and cart
* Prepare liver
* Show up, Race, and go to party
* Wake up and feel darned good that you made a difference in the world, even though your head might hurt just a little too much and there are some unexplained marks on your body.
The Iditarod is the famous long-distance race in which big burly yapping dogs tow a sled and driver across Alaska. The Idiotarod is kind of the same thing, but no sled and no dogs. Instead of a sled, teams pull a shopping cart (or carriage for you Southerners). And instead of dogs its people pulling the cart. Oh, and this one is in D.C., not Alaska, so it definitely saves you time and travel expenses.
The first Idiotarod that we know of started in San Francisco about 10 years ago. Then some kids up in NYC took the idea and made it a spectacular event (we suggest you check them out since they are very cool: We decided it was time for DC to get in on the hipster wagon, as well-thus the Great D.C. Idiotarod of 2006!
Here's how it works for the Idiots.
The race is on no matter the conditions-rain or shine, snow or sleet. Kind of like the Postal Service, but without the surly attitude. Sure it's a real race and we will crown a winner, but in the end, it is really an opportunity for you to act like a fool with your friends. That's the real challenge. (Or for many, the easy part!)
Form a Team
A team is comprised of 5 Pullers/Runners, 1 Musher, and one cart. The same 6 team members must start and complete the race, and be present at each checkpoint. You should come up with a catchy team name...there might even be a prize.
Teams check-in and register between 12 noon and 2:00 pm. The race begins promptly at 2:00 pm. You will be given a mystery destination, and then will commence the race, with your designated checkpoint locations given at that time. Teams must make their way to the three checkpoints, and then a Final Bar/Party. You must hit each checkpoint. Remember, all members of the team must be present at each checkpoint. You will be held at the checkpoint for exactly 20 minutes.
We will award First, Second, Third, Best Costumes, Best Fundraising and Best Sabotage prizes (see below for definition). First, Second, and Third prize are determined by time.
Pre-register your team
You are not required to pre-register, but it would help us out a lot. Send an email to with your team name, and team members. Visit the event website ( to prepay using PayPal. Even if you plan to pay at registration, please send us your team name so we can get appropriate paperwork in order.
There are only a few requirements regarding team eligibility:
1) All racers must be 21 or older
2) All racers should have some form of insurance (listen, you are agreeing to a 5k race involving shopping carts....there are some risks beyond loss of dignity)
3) All racers agree to some degree of personal responsibility for their own actions during the day. We are enabling a lot of drinking through thed ay, but we are not going to hold your hair back if you get sick, ok?
Where do I get a cart?
You get your own shopping cart. We think if you explain to cart owners that this is for charity and you promise to return the cart, they will let you borrow one. No inflatable tires, motors, rockets, or Road Runner Acme gadgets. Stick with spirit of the race, will you?
We hope teams will express creativity-through use of costumes, themes, decorative carts, fans, and so on. Again see the NYC site for ideas of how past racers have really stood out in a crowd.
Why am I doing this?
Well first and foremost you are doing this because, well, it's likely you've got a screw loose here and there, and/or you recognize the personal challenge of testing how low you can go on the dignity scale. On the other hand, you will be racing (and drinking) for a good cause. Yes, believe it or not, all this silliness is for charity. Plus, you'll have a great story to tell your grandkids... "During the great Idiotarod of in Aught 6, my team was in championship form.....)
We keep 20% to off-set expenses associated with the events (bribing bartenders for sweet drink deals and the like), 30% is returned to competitors in the form of prizes, and 50% of all monies raised goes to charity.
For the 2006 D.C. Idiotarod, we have decided to donate funds earned to the Arlington Food Assistance Center ( They don't know they are getting this money yet, so you can't blame them for anything stupid we might do.
Wait, what does this cost?
Teams pay $5 per person or $30 per team. You really don't get anything for your money, except free entrance to the Finish party and we have negotiated some nice cheap drink special at the various bars. As noted above... money will be used for prizes, charity, and base expenses. We would really appreciate it if you would consider using this nifty PayPal option in advance. Alternately, you can pay at the check-in site.
Additional contributions: In addition to the small entry fee required, you can also help by bringing a giant bag full of grocery bags, paper or plastic (yes, you read that right-bags). It's not required, but it is an incidental donation that has value to our designated charity. Assorted canned good could also earn you some time credits. Again, remember, YOU: willing to make fool of self THEM: getting food to feed family.
I'm scared to race.
Sure, maybe you value your dignity, or your bones. Maybe you don't want your picture all over the Internet dressed as a circus clown, but you can still participate. How?
Volunteer: We need people to serve as referees (which does grant you some power), but according to the Minster of Offense, you might have to dress in the Catholic School Uniform of Superiority. There are other ways in which you can help, so if interested, send an email to
Come to the Finish Party: Your $10 contribution at the event will go directly to charity.
Spread the word: Convince your friends to race. Really, it will give you fodder for mockery for months to come.
Added by DCSMASHED on March 2, 2006