Get Ready for Spring: Dealing with Street Harassment
With flowers and showers, unfortunately, comes a huge increase in street harassment. Get ready for Spring by expanding your skills for dealing with the “hey babys” that may come your way.
Can you “ignore” street harassment? Of course you can. And you already know how to do that. This class will give you other options, making ignoring it only one in a range of skills to choose from, especially when ignoring it doesn’t seem safe.
The class will cover the self defense techniques —prevention and awareness, verbal self defense, and physical strikes —that you might need in dealing with street harassment. Most of these skills can also be transferred to other irritating or dangerous situations in the rest of life.
* For adult women (ages 16+)
* Saturday, March 29, 1-4 pm
* Potter’s House, Adams Morgan
* $39 before March 15; $45 after March 16. Register with a friend or family member and get $5 off. Limited scholarships available for low-income people.
* Contact or 301-608-3708 for details
Added by redstar on February 27, 2008