Constitution Avenue, next to the Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, District of Columbia 20510

Medicare: Made in America Rally and Lobby Day

July 30th is Medicare's 44th Birthday. We want Medicare Expanded and Improved to cover everyone.


New Jersey:

For seats: Please contact Deepak Kumar at
856-630-8774 or e-mail
• The cost is $20/seat.
• Make checks payable to New Jersey One Plan, One Nation Coalition.
• Deepak will tell you where to send the checks.

New Brunswick - will leave at 8:00 AM from the Labor Education Center at Rutgers .

Cherry Hill (South Jersey) - will leave at 7:30 AM from the Cherry Hill Mall, Rt.38, meet at northeast corner near Pennys

Rally starts at 1 pm - 2 pm in the Upper Senate Park

9am - 11:30 am : Volunteers needed for morning drop to all Members of Congress. Meet in Room 2138 Judiciary Committee Room of Rayburn House Building for materials to deliver to every member of Congress!

Email if you plan to help with the morning lobby visits.

2pm onward : Activists will take to the hill for meetings with Members of Congress.

If you need help in setting up a meeting with your Member, please email -

Lobby materials will be available in the Judiciary Committee Room for pick up on the day of the meetings.

Featured speakers include:

• Dr. David Scheiner - President Obamas personal physician
• Sidney Wolfe, MD - Acting President of Public Citizen (you might have seen him on Bill Moyers; recent Frontline show)
• Terry ONeill - the newly elected national President of the National Organization for Women
• Jos Williams - President, AFL-CIO Metropolitan Washington Labor Council, AFL-CIO
• Senator James Ferlo - Pennsylvania State Senator
• Sameer Dossani - Demand Dignity Campaign Director, Amnesty International
• Barbara Ehrenreich - Feminist, sociologist, political activist, and author of Nickled and Dimed
• Congressman John Conyers, Jr - Chair, House Judiciary Committee, and sponsor of HR 676
• Medea Benjamin - Cofounder of Code Pink and Global Exchange
• Tim Carpenter - Progressive Democrats of America, Executive Director
• Donna Smith - of SICKO fame, California Nurses Association.

Official Website:

Added by PDA/DFA Progressive Democracy So on July 21, 2009