You Have An Avalanche of CASH Hidden Under Marketing Assets You Must Discover!
- The Biggest Mistake In Business Today!
- The Lowest Risk & Highest Return Investment Avalailble In Today's Market!
- How To Establish Your Business as The Only Obvious Choice In Your Industry!
- Powerful Secrets to Explode Your Profits!
- How To Turn Your Database Into An Endless Stream Of Cash Flow!
- 8 Ways to Uncover Your Hidden Marketing Assets & Exploit Them!
- How to STOP The Price War and Differentiate From Your Competition!
In this powerful workshop we will take you step-by-step through each and every one of our 8 Phases of Marketing. You will also learn how to apply each phase into your business. Seating is very limited to keep class size small and intimate.
Your business could double and your time off could triple if you discover these hidden marketing gems. The Price of this seminar could easily be $195 per person or more and the investment would be worth every penny.
Plus... We'll Take All The Risk! If at any time during this workshop you don't feel you have received ten times more value than the price you've paid, we'll refund every dime.
Official Website:
Added by Quantum Growth Marketing on February 10, 2009