2299 Mission Street
San Francisco, California

It's time once again for San Francisco's least health-conscious athletic event and whether you be actually running in the race (weirdo) or dressing up as a bumblebee to get wasted and pass out in the middle of the Panhandle, there's no reason to wait until sunrise to get the party started.

Come join us Saturday night for a special Bay to Breakers pre-party edition of Get Loose! Resident DJ White Mike will be rocking "Chariots of Fire" on loop along with a slew of current and classic dance jams.

The party is free all night! Short running shorts are optional (and ultimately discouraged)!

Bring your 5 hour energy drinks! You can sleep when you're dead!

Official Site: http://www.theprojects.com

Official Website: http://www.theprojects.com/

Added by White Mike on May 12, 2010

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