54-55 Meeting House Lane
Brighton, England BN1 1HB

Marketing expert and founder of Chock Chic Galia will share her experiences on how she nurtured her online business.

Gaining extensive experience in internet marketing and business development, Galia decided to concentrate on her passion for chocolate and chocolate making.

Galia recently rediscovered the taste of her South American childhood in raw chocolate and decided to lauch CHOC Chick in September 2008.

Meet Galia and learn how to to rise through google rankings, boost your hits and turn interest into revenue... and try some delicious chocolate too!

Official Website: http://www.stridingout.co.uk/networking-events/brighton/get-informed-maximise-your-internet-marketing-26-11-2008.html

Added by Maria-Striding Out on November 17, 2008



Hi Maria,

Can you give some info on the format of the evening?

