"Get in B.E.D. with Alix!" -- a fantastic night celebrating the arts and culture of San Francisco to raise support for Alix Rosenthal for District 8 Supervisor. Guests will be invited to suggest their own meaning for the acronym "B.E.D." e.g., "Business & Entertainment Development," "Boot Evictions from District 8" on a large banner at the venue.
Enjoy sweeping city views from "Love Manor," great DJs, performance artists including Miss Anita Fixx, Tommi Avicolli-Mecca & Trauma Flintstone, original art, Tarot readings by Gina, fire dancers, luscious libations and more!
Meet Alix and learn of her vision for expanding affordable housing, protecting tenant rights, realistically putting transit first, enhancing environmental protection and conservation, and preserving SF's "unique" character.
A suggested donation of $25 at the door is optional (gifts cannot exceed $500). No one turned away.
Festive attire encouraged -- Think Burning Man meets Cirque du Soleil -- and bring a friend! This is NOT your typical campaign party ... expect the unexpected as we work to get Alix on the Board!!!
Official Website: http://votealix.com/get_in_bed_with_alix.html
Added by katerw on August 4, 2006