In this day and age, when someone needs to find a local product or service, they're much more inclined to find the local business online rather than referring to the local telephone directory. If you do business locally, will your website be found online? The web has come to your neighborhood, and local search is leveling the playing field. What processes, strategies and techniques apply when you're trying to compete with national or international companies with extensive advertising budgets?
If you're not trying to be found online in your own neighborhood, you're letting thousands of dollars slip through your fingers. By listing your site in local search engines and directories, you can help ensure your reach is extended as far as possible to consumers searching for your goods and services The great news is that most of these strategies won't cost you a dime!
In this teleclass, you will learn:
-- Why being able to be found in a local search is so important for geographically-based businesses
-- What information you need to prepare to list your site for local search
-- The 8 most effective local listing search engines/sites
-- The top 10 places to look in your community for local directories
-- How to effectively use locally-based recommendation and testimonial sites
-- 4 secrets to obtaining an outstanding testimonial that will work for you
-- 10 tips to help you optimize your site for local search
-- Next steps to take
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Added by FullCalendar on April 25, 2008