Culver Blvd and Washington Blvd
Culver City, California 90232

Get a head start on your New Years Resolutions! Come join our weight loss support group for a fun, educational and most importantly SUCCESSFUL way to reach your weight loss goals.

Results from the last challenge: our last group of 20 participants lost 346.5 lbs and 371 inches! The winner lost 44.6 lbs and took home $537 in prize money! We handed out nearly $1000 to all the winners...

How it works:
* 10 week challenge
* Cash prizes to the top 3 winners and a prize for the person who loses the most inches!
* Weekly weigh-ins and measures & 30 minute nutrition class on new topics each week (protein, complex carbs, good fats vs bad fats, exercise, etc.)
* Personalized wellness coaching for healthy weight loss
* Team support
* Accountability structure to make forward progress from 1 week to the next

Just $29 to participate for the 10 week challenge!

If you are ready to make a change and get in great shape for for the New Year, send us an email and we'll get you all the details on the challenge to make sure it's a good fit with your goals and for your schedule.

Giselle ( or 760.613.0013)

Added by Giselle Nicholson on November 29, 2008

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