You naughty, naughty one. You’ve been spanked, slapped, rapped with a ruler, shackled into detention for all the wrong-doings of youth. Your parents, your teachers, the principal said you lacked discipline, you were missing the wherewithal to make something of yourself, to follow the rules, to do what’s right by the law and the mores of society.
Or maybe you were – and are – one of the good ones, a halo shining above your gleaming brow, beaming with pride at all you’ve accomplished, all the good you’ve done – for yourself, for others. Early to bed, early to rise, early bird getting the worm and swallowing it with pride.
If you’re sorely lacking or shining with abundance, discipline is the flow of this show and we want you to find it within yourself to grace the stage and spew – about what discipline means to you. You’ll have just five minutes to entertain, regale, inspire – about crimes and punishment or noses to the grindstone. Don’t worry – no rulers allowed.
The Moth StorySLAM
Theme: Discipline
$6 at door
Official Website:
Added by nikjc on June 16, 2008