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Course Syllabus - Winter/Spring 2009
Digital competence and digital skills are key
differentiators. This course is designed to help students become more
competitive and make them more productive in the digital economy of the
21st century. The practical guidelines, ideas and techniques are
immediately applicable on both a personal and business level. Students
will learn how digitally-savvy executives are using their computers and
they will gain an understanding of best practices digital tools and
Today, everyone with a computer and a connection to the Internet can
create text, graphics, audio and video content and instantly distribute
it to a worldwide audience. Through a series of hands-on exercises
combined with lectures and demonstrations, students will learn how
consumers are empowered by digital technology, how they are using the
medium and how this technological transition is changing the doing of
business in the 21st century. Special attention will be paid to using
digital skills to identify and take advantage of new business
This is a lecture-lab course in which topics are
presented by the instructor, techniques are explained, and assigned
technical exercises are completed by students in class.
To make students more productive, more competitive
and more marketable by increasing their digital competence and
digital skills.
To provide students with practical methods for
properly separating their personal and professional online presence.
To introduce and explain the fundamental elements
of digital work/life.
To teach students how to create value online and
translate it into wealth.
To teach students best practices,
business-building online social networking techniques.
To affirm the vast amount of knowledge that
students already possess and give them the confidence to put it to
practical business use.
The course will cover the following topics:
The socio-techno divide
Branding and advertising 101 for business and
personal use in the 21st century
The presentation of self in everyday life
The elements of digital work/life
The currencies of the Internet. (Translating value
into wealth.)
Social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace,
Twitter, etc.)
Contact management
Conventions of social media
The challenges of digital communication
Hardware choices
Digital Work/Life strategy (Solo, SoHo, Corporate)
Internet connectivity (wired and wireless)
Required business software skills
The paperless office
Backing up (NAS, cloud storage, physical media)
Thinking digital
Domains, Websites, Blogs
Digital Honesty
Logos and graphics
"For those of us in need of a digital face-lift, I
would highly recommend visiting 'Doctor' Palmer. His work is impeccable
and he is discreet. After a day with him, you will look at least 10
digital years younger!" -- Brian K., NY, NY
"Radically helpful, and so glad I
did it. Your command is extraordinary, and it was well worth the price
of admission. It is one fabulously exciting environment right now, both
terrifying and exhilarating in the same breath. Your prescriptions ring
true." -- Hank C. Darien, CT
"It was exciting to discover where
things are heading, and going over details that the average person might
not know even if you're 'in the culture.'" -- Lauren M. NY, NY
Read more testimonials from
Get Digital seminar attendees.
Shelly Palmer is a consultant and the
host of MediaBytes
a daily show featuring news you can use about technology, media &
entertainment. He is Managing Director of Advanced Media Ventures Group
LLC and the author of
Television Disrupted: The Transition from Network to Networked TV
(2008, York House Press). Shelly is also President of the National
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, NY (the organization that bestows
the coveted Emmy Awards).
Mr. Palmer is a popular speaker and moderator at
technology and media conferences hosted by industry organizations, like:
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), The National Association of
Broadcasters Convention (NAB), The National Show presented by the
National Cable Television Association (NCTA), Telecom presented by the
United States Telecom Association, Digital Hollywood, iHollywood,
ad:tech, and iMedia. He is a guest lecturer at the MIT Media Lab, Stern
Graduate Business School at NYU, The Columbia Institute for
Tele-Information (CITI) at Columbia University, The Graziadio School of
Business Management at Pepperdine University, The Digital Content Lab at
the American Film Institute and other top tier colleges and
universities. For more information, visit
You should have a basic knowledge of personal computers,
email, web-surfing and search. You should have and bring your laptop
computer to this course. Rentals are available, see below. Prep work can
be found
here. It is best to do the prep work before attending the course. is offering
special deals on web hosting packages that start at $9.95 per month.
We strongly recommend that you register your own domain name.
The fee for the one-day course is $449.95 per person.
This fee includes all of the materials you will need for the course.
Please bring your laptop. Rentals are available for $150 with advanced
notice. Free WiFi is provided. Groups discounts available, please email
or call 212-532-3880 x1 for more information.
Payment is required in
advance but it is refundable, less a $25 processing fee, if your
cancellation is received three full business days before the course. To
obtain a refund for this course, you must cancel BEFORE 12 noon ET,
Monday 3/23/2009. There are no exceptions and there are no refunds after
the cutoff. Substitutes are welcome.
10:00am to 4:30pm. Check-in begins at 8:00am.
Lunch is on your own. Dress is informal. Doors open at
If you are planning to bring a laptop computer
(recommended), please make sure that your computer can connect to the
Internet via WiFi. If you need help configuring your computer, please
plan to arrive as close to 8am as possible. Technical help is available
until the class begins at 10:00am.
Organized by Shelly Palmer
Event produced by:
Advanced Media Ventures Group LLC
PO Box 1877, NY, NY 10156-1877
+1 212-532-3880
The Paley Center For Media25 West 52nd StreetNew York, NY 10019
Please support our media sponsors:
Praise for Shelly Palmer Seminars
"Shelly Palmer is one of those rare talents who
understands technology, he is the invaluable guide to what's happening, why it
matters and how it works." - WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST III
"This is a wonderful primer for non-technical people who really need to know about technology." -
MAURY POVICH Host of "Maury""Great insights, fun stories, lots of knowledge you can use! -
MARK CUBAN Owner Dallas Mavericks
Shelly's Top FiveDigital Work/Life Tips
1 When you speak, dont tell them what you dont know.
If your email address something like: Youre telling everyone youre in your digital diapers.2
The speed of information = economic success. Faster information makes you a stronger competitor. Theres no excuse for not being a search and alert monster. 3
Nothing can be unsaid. Learn your digital etiquette. A good rule of thumb, dont to anything online you would not do offline.4
Social network your way to success. Be where the business is. There are over 350 million people on MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn you should be too!5
Make your online presence match your offline presence. You look the part offline, you should look the part online.
Ticket Info: Professional, $449.95
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