Exciting live course gets you accredited to use the title Certified Coach Practitioner and put the initials CCP after your name. Comprehensive program provides a solid foundation for both new & seasoned coaches to grow a business and includes one year of continuing education. The course covers Coaching and Ethics, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Step-by-step for effective coaching, Business model, Marketing. www.CertifiedCoachesFederation 817 657-5301, 866 455-2155.
Feel free to call just to ask what coaching is or to identify a target market. Take a self-test to see if coaching is right for you, or join a webinar or live meet-up group to explore the prospects of coaching.
This certification program is not for everyone. It is only two days because we cut out the basic information you have already acquired through extensive training and experience to isolate exactly what you need to know to be a great coach. We also give you training on how to market yourself. You’re already a coach to so many people; why not get paid for it? Call for a free consultation 817 657-5301.
Official Website: http://www.certifiedcoachesfederation.com/summary.html
Added by Sherry Prindle on August 20, 2010