CareerEco holds thesecond EcoJob panel- Thursday, March 26, 2009 from 5pm- 7pm at the Centergy Building in Midtown.
Interested in a green career? Learn from Atlanta professionals who have already launched successful Eco-focused Careers in Environmental and Sustainability roles.
The impressiveEcoJob Panel bringstogether prominent executives from corporate, government, and entrepreneurial settings to discuss their environmental careers. These experts will share their career advice and their outlook on job opportunities in the environmental and sustainability sectors.
Come hear from 3 Accomplished Panelists:
Joyce LaValle: Senior Vice President of Associate and Customer Engagement for Interface Americas
Madeline Reamy: Executive Director of Earth Share of Georgia
Liz Wattenberg: General Manager, Zipcar, Atlanta
Schedule of Events:
Munch and Mingle/ Registration : 5:00-5:30pm
EcoJob Panel : 5:30-6:30
Speakers Q&A : 6:30
Networking until: 7:00
Business Professionals: Event fee is $20 in advance or $30 to register at the door. Students:Event is free if registered in advance with studentID at the door
All Registered CareerEco Membersreceive a25% discount on the event. When you register put CareerEcoMember in the Discount Box to receive your discount.
Be sure to joinCareerEco's Get a Green Careergroup.
Location of Event: Centergy Building - 75 Fifth Street, NW - 3rd Floor Wayne Hodges Room, Atlanta, GA 30308--The event begins promptly at 5:00 pm, with registration starting at 4:30, and the event ends at 7:00 pm. (See Transportation and Parking directions below)
Food and Refreshments: Free panini sandwiches and refreshments will be provided by 'Fresh to Order'.
Seating is limited toRegister today!
Registration closes onTuesday,March 24th.
Mark your calendar for more upcoming job panels will be held onApril 23rd 5-7pm.
For additional information on the Go Eco and Get a Green Career forum, call 770-980-0088 or visit www.careereco.com
Transportation:If you are taking Marta Rail Station: Take Rail Line North and Exit N3-North Avenue Stationthen head north on W. Peachtree Street toward 4th Street, Turn left onto 5th Street and continue until reaching destination on the right- Building 75 (the center buildingfacing 5th Street ).Take the elevator to the 3rd Floor and follow signs toWayne Hodges Conference Room.
For more info on MARTA:
Parking directions for Centergy Building: There is a Parking garage adjoining the Centergy Building. The parking entrance is on Spring Street, north of the intersection of Spring Street and 5th Street. Please note there is a fee to park and visitor parking is located on levels 5 and above. Take the elevator parking deck to Level 5, then exit onto a bridge walkway which leads to a courtyard to Building 75 (the center building facing 5th Street) Take the elevator to the 3rd Floor and follow signs to Wayne Hodges Conference Room.
Organized by CareerEco
Ticket Info: - Get a Green Career- Professionals Register Here, $20.00
- Get a Green Career- Students Register Here, Free
Official Website: http://careereco3-26-09-upcoming.eventbrite.com