561 Commercial Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02109

Instead of sitting at home eating chicken soup with rice,
Come to the GesherCity Infoschmooze on Ice!
There will be old friends and new, Jewish organizations and fun,
We’ll skate into the evening and drink when we’re done.
Come right after work in your parka or mink,
And sip some hot cocoa at the Steriti Memorial Rink.
Wait, there’s more - did you think this night couldn’t get better?
There will be a winner for wearing the ugliest sweater!
Hope to see you there!

After-party at The Fours
166 Canal St. Boston

$5 includes rink entrance and hot chocolate
Skate rental and snacks available for additional cost

RSVP to: Hilary at boston@geshercity.org or (617) 457-8666 by January 29th

GesherCity connects young adults 21-35 to the Greater Boston Jewish community. We are a program of the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, in partnership with the Jewish Community Relations Council, and are funded by a generous grant from the Combined Jewish Philanthropies.

Official Website: http://www.geshercity.org

Added by HaMesiba on January 9, 2008

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