Canton Cabaret Musical Dinner Theatre presents four performances of Gershwin by George, an original production featuring local musician, Steve Dallas, who reprises his lead role as George Gershwin.
The performances are scheduled for Fridays, February 15th and 22nd and Sundays, February 17th and 24th at the Metropolitan Centre Grand Ballroom, 601 Cleveland Avenue N.W. in downtown Canton. Friday dinners are served at 7pm with an 8pm show. Sunday dinners are served at 1pm with a 2pm show.
Tickets for dinner and show are $42.50, and show-only tickets are $25. A 10% discount applies for reservations for a table for eight. Tickets may be purchased by calling 330.499.6177; by emailing Canton Cabarets executive director, Lois DiGiacomo, at; or in person at Berean Christian Bookstores Canton location at 1100 30th Street N.W.
Spend an evening in Gershwins home with George (Steve Dallas) and his friends, Fred (Shaun Reitman) and Adele (Laurie Sovich) Astaire, Jimmy Durante (Joseph Ledford), Paul Pops Whiteman (Tom Baumgardner), Al Jolson (Todd Cooper), Don Wilson (Stan Krawson), Ethel Merman (Rose Forrester), and Anne Wiggins Brown (the first Bess in Porgy and Bess played by Mena Glenn). Dallas enthuses, "We were sold out when this play was first presented in 2005...and Rhapsody in Blue is a signature piece for me! Many of our original cast members are also returning to the show.
The production site, Metropolitan Centres Grand Ballroom, has been restored to its 1926 grandeur, including the original chandeliers (photos at The venue is handicap accessible and offers free parking at the door.
Canton Cabaret, originally funded by ArtsInStark, the county Arts Council, is a production arm of the Rainbow Repertory Company.
Event submitted by on behalf of janlrene.
Added by janlrene on January 23, 2008