Beltaine 2009
May 7th thru 17th
This weekend, in our enchanted, magical woodland,
we will:
Dance with Satyrs, Fairies, Mermaids and Dragons,
Honor the May Queen,
Fight for "The rite to be King" in a boffer -weapons
Dance a traditional Maypole fertility rite
Drum into the night, and partake of pagan
Participate in inspirational workshops,
Shop for magical items of all kinds,
And build a community of love, joy and abundance.
Contact Information
Covenant of WISE, Church of Wicca ATC, Inc.
2370 Ebenezer Rd., Conyers, GA 30094
Beltaine Ritual Dance a traditional Maypole, and learn the mystery of this ancient fertility rite.
May Queen Contests
Enter in the May Queen Contest, and serve as our May Queen all year
long. Hosted by last years May Queen, Erika Weaver. Winner receives
free admission to Georgia Pagan Gatherings for the 2009 season.
May King Tournament
Compete in a dagorhir Tournament, hosted by last
years May King, Geoff Weaver. Winner receives free admission to
Georgia Pagan Gatherings for the 2009 season.
Woolston - Steen Theological Seminary workshops
- Included in the price of your admission, enjoy top notch workshops
from our State Recognized Wiccan College that caters to the beginner as
well as the advanced student. Our teachers are approved by the school
and guaranteed to be knowledgeable in their field. If you wish to teach
a workshop, we do have openings for teachers, please contact Lady
SpiralScouts activities
- Send your children to the SpiralScouts tent, so that they can become
part of the Wolf Riders. Our children are a treasured and welcomed
part of our community. If you're a parent, you'll want to be aware of
the safeguards we have in place for the children, such as the wolf
howl. You will have a better experience, knowing your children will
have others to play with, and be able to join in many magical and fun
Fire Spinners, Belly Dancers, Drummers,
and any other fire circle energy workers. Please plan to come to help
organize the Drum circle ritual for Friday evening. Lets get to know
each other, share some ideas and organize some really cool performances
for the drum circle as we bless it and prepare it to carry our energies.
Henna/Body Art Party
If you were there last year, this is definitely an event worth
repeating. Join us Thursday evening at the Kitchen for a Henna/Body Art
Party. Show off your tattoos, tell your sacred stories, look through
the portfolios and even make an appointment to get some work done this
weekend. Henna, woad and body paints will be available for you to play
Organized by Covenant of WISE, Church of Wicca - ATC, Inc.
It has been close to a decade that we have had the priviledge of serving the Goddess. May she continue to allow us to do
Her work.
church was founded in 1999 by Rev. Belladonna Laveau, who had been
called into service to teach and provide a public place for Wiccans to
practice their faith. Offering her own famiy home as a temple of
Covenant of WISE is an affiliate of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church. Our Mother Church has been in existence for over
25 years, and sponsors many world-wide programs for Wiccans to enjoy.
many incarnations, we have grown both outwardly and introspectively. In
additions to the public rituals, healings, counselings and services we
have always offered, we now enjoy formal college accredited training
opportunities from a host of qualified instructors for our clergy to be
properly prepared for their ministry. Our children benefit from the
highly successful SpiralScouts program. And we now have a public store
front from which Bella can meet with and serve the community.
We invite you to become a part of the church today and a piece of its history tomorrow.
Ticket Info: - Early Registration, $20.00
- Registration, $25.00
- I'll pay $35 at the gate - please reserve my space, Free
- 20 x 10 Vendor Space, $10.00
- Camping, $10.00
Official Website: http://beltaine-upcoming.eventbrite.com