Washington, District of Columbia

In this Safari, we capture the unique colonial-style architecture of the homes, restaurants and storefronts of Georgetown's streets, including views of the C & O Canal. Then, we go down to the waterfront and photograph the Post-modern complex of Washington Harbour, with its columns and fountains and beautiful views of the DC waterfront.
During our last hour we get into a boat that takes us up the Potomac River all the way past the Jefferson Memorial, allowing us to photograph the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and other monuments of the nation's capital in the afternoon sun.

Organized by Washington Photo Safari
Washington Photo Safari uses the beautiful landmarks of the nation's capital to provide multilingual instruction in landmark and travel photography. If you love taking pictures and want to learn how to take better pictures, the Washington Photo Safari is for you! 4545 Connecticut Ave. NW #620 Washington, DC 20008 Toll Free - 1-877-512-5969 Local Phone - 1-202-537-0937 Fax - 1-815-333-0233 E-mail: info@washingtonphotosafari.com

Ticket Info:  August 7, 2010, $75.85

Official Website: http://georgetownlandsea-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on July 9, 2010

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