125 Washington Ave
Albany, New York 12210

Recent discoveries in the collections of the Albany Institute of History & Art yielded several pieces of sheet music authored by George William Warren (1828-1902), a little-known Albany composer who enjoyed success in the composition of both popular and spiritual music. Following the purchase of several additional pieces of Warren's sheet music, historians at the Albany Institute discovered scrapbooks containing broadsides, announcements and reviews of concerts related to Warren's music. Further research identified the only known photo of Warren, in the New York Public Library's Gottschalk Collection, as well as more material on both sacred and secular music, reviews, obituaries, family genealogy and family business. New material donated by the Trudeau family includes letters of testimonial for Boardman and Gray Albany Pianos. A selection of these items will be exhibited in a small display.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 19, 2010

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