Location: Gold room, 2nd floor, Fairmont San Jose
With Google announcement last week of support for indexing hCard for their "rich snippets" in search reesults, and this week's announcement by Yahoo of support for geo and adr microformats in their Placemaker tool, there's a lot of activity in location related microformats.
Join us on an open discussion on:
* publishing geo/adr/hCard microformats (e.g. for Google rich snippets)
* using geo/adr/hCard microformats (e.g. with YQL, Y! Placemaker)
* brainstorming on what else we can do with geo and adr
Note: you may need a Where 2.0 conference badge. Consider registering so you can attend tomorrow's sessions too!
Official Website: http://microformats.org/wiki/events/2009-05-20-adr-geo-where20
Added by tantek on May 20, 2009