1187 Franklin Street
San Francisco, California 94109

Gentrification, Redevelopment,
and the Future of San Francisco

Ahimsa Porter Sumchai and other speakers

Gray Panthers General Meeting

Tuesday, October 16, 1 PM

Unitarian Center, 1187 Franklin St
(btwn Geary & O’Farrell), Fireside Room

If you have been reading the Bay Guardian, or paying attention recently to housing issues in the City, you may have noticed that San Francisco is becoming an enclave for young, white millionaires. What will happen to the rest of us? Will the folks that do the teaching, cooking, bus driving etc. all be commuting from hundreds of miles away? What can we do to keep the City livable for all of us and for those to come?

Let us meet with Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai, Bayview/Hunters Point activist and candidate for Mayor, to discuss the development issues there and around the City—who benefits, who will lose. Michael Lyon will talk about the history of redevelopment.

More on the meeting:

Official Website: http://graypantherssf.igc.org/07-10-newsletter/07-10-gpnl-oct_meeting.htm

Added by mlyon01 on October 10, 2007