Gentlemen Only ladies forbidden. It is in every man's destiny to rise up against the binding chains of female tyranny at least once in his life. Mark and Jef from Goa, where thought processes take raise the clarion call! Not a call to arms but rather a call to party.The Mark and Jeff Interactive - It is in every man's destiny to rise up against the binding chains of female tyranny at least once in his life. Mark and Jeff (from the sunny climes of Goa , where thought processes take the scenic route) raise the clarion call! Not a call to arms, but rather a call to party. Forget the 40 plus hours a week at work, with maybe another 10 spent working at home, sleep takes another 40 and then we have add all the chores – and poof! The week's gone. All you did for fun was to leaf through your wife's Victoria's Secret catalogue!Mark and Jeff realize that political correctness has all but destroyed the male identity and it has become impossible to act out your basic needs in public yes it means whipping it out in public, and…. paying for a meal, with your wallet, of course, what were you thinking?Mark and Jeff believe that only when we're amongst our peers can we truly be ourselves. They have their tongues firmly in their cheeks. They think they can sing, crack the crudest of jokes, tickle your funny bone till you have a stitch in your side. That they are completely loony adds to the heady mix!
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Added by buzzintown india on June 1, 2009