On Behalf, of LUG@IITD,
I invite you all, for a "General Meeting cum Discussion on Software Patents" at IIT Delhi. There will 1-2 presentation on this event. If you want to present something , most welcome.
Some of "Anti-Software Patent activists" will join us on this meeting and will give guidance on current state of policies and future plannings which need to be done.
Meeting was decided and being organised in very small span of time so I was unable to call/talk individually to all foss or anti-software patent activists. So this is a generic invitation to all who like to part of meeting.
Some of the confirmed speaker are --
* Prabir Purkayastha, Knowledge Commons, Delhi
* Sunil Abraham (Director - Policy) Centre for Internet and Society
* etc
Venue : EE Committee room, II-241, first floor, Electrical Engg. Dept., IIT-Delhi. Time : 4 PM to 6 PM Date : Friday , 24 oct 2008,
Contact : Narendra Sisodiya, # 09379075930
Official Website: http://www.lug-iitd.org/General_Meeting_on_Software_Patents
Added by sandipb on October 22, 2008