A General Membership Meeting with a review of May 11, 2009 Price Increase. A update on the New USPS Service Standards and how it will effect you and your mail. Also an update on the Chicago District from top management. Learn how to get the best rates with proper design and preparation.
USPS staff will be on hand to answer questions.
Organized by Chicago Postal Customer CouncilThe purpose of a Postal Customer Council (PCC) is to strengthen the working relationship between the United States Postal Service (USPS) and its customers.
Ticket Info: - Premier CPCC Member Seminar Registration, Free
- Non CPCC Member Seminar Registration, $10.00
- Annual Premier Individual Membership includes Seminar registration, $45.00
- Annual Premier Company Membership includes Seminar registration, $130.00
Official Website: http://cpcc042309-upcoming.eventbrite.com