On Saturday, December 6th, we are holding our annual Breaking Walls, Building Bridges Conference - A Queer Conference for Students, Educators, GSA Leaders and Allies hosted by the YES Program of the LGBT Community Center. This year’s theme is Gender & Justice and it promises to be a wonderful day of discussions, networking and action! The conference is open to youth ages 13-21, teachers and youth service providers. The cost is Free for Youth and adult allies who bring 5 youth with them. For unaccompanied folks over 21, the cost is $15.REGISTER FOR FREE ON http://www.gaycenter.org/node/2313 [For More Information please call or email,Shelley Goldman,at
212.620.7310 ext. 272 OR sgoldman@gaycenter.org]
Added by Marianna16 on November 30, 2008