500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, California 95050-4345

Co-Sponsored by the Santa Clara University School of Engineering Graduate Programs

INNOVATION: What's Gender Got to Do with It?

Most people don't know that Gender Intelligence is a key to unlocking Innovation. In this seminar Men and Women will move outside "what we know" that keeps "the same" in place, to producing breakthroughs possible when a variety of perspectives collaborate.

You will become an agent for innovation which you will experience as increasing creativity, productivity, promotability (of yourself and others) and quality of life at work and at home.

Based on SCU Graduate Course taught by Bonita Banducci
Special "2 for" fee-bring a friend

Part 1: Saturday, March 26, 2011 "UNDERSTANDING GENDER DIFFERENCES"
Basics of differences; Use different competencies collaboratively
Part 2: Saturday, June 4, 2011 "APPLYING GENDER INTELLIGENCE"
Take what you have learned into work and life


*"Mine the Gold" of each individual in your organization by understanding gender differences and the doorway this opens for working with international culture differences.
*Create your own solutions to gender issues to eliminate blame and build understandings for effective working relationships.
*Use new rationales for dealing with persistent obstructions to organizational effectiveness.
*Permeate organizational culture, relationships, and community with new "competencies" and new leadership.

Earn a Certificate of Participation

Bonita Banducci, President of Banducci Consulting, She researched "What is the Contribution Women Make that could be the Strategic Advantage in the Global Marketplace" for a Silicon Valley Fortune 500 company. Banducci has worked with Adaptec, Cisco, HP, Intel, KLA-Tencor, Sun Microsystems, Xilinx, NASA Ames, US and California Environmental Protection Agencies; and other business, government, academic and non-profits.

Added by FullCalendar on March 14, 2011