10 Coleman Street
Singapore, Central Singapore 179809

Generation Y, aged between 19 to 30, who will rule the global workplace of tomorrow, are a hidden power-house of employee potential, critical for global business success in tough times. In this increasingly demanding and diverse environment, workplaces of the future demand that you mitigate inter-generational differences and capture their contributions in order to maximise their potential and achieve a new standard of excellence in this competitive marketplace.
How do you attract the right Gen Y talent in challenging times?
Can your organisation administer innovative practices to groom high potential Gen Ys for succession?
Do you know how to build an appealing employer brand and successfully generate loyalty among your Gen Y employees?
Join us at this 2-day conference to get exclusive insights on attracting, developing and retaining your new age employees from experienced HR professionals, who will share on case studies from diverse industries. Hear how KPMG optimised inter-relationships and bridged the gap in a multi-generational workforce. Uncover how Royal Plaza on Scotts developed an employer brand that appealed to Gen Y. Learn how CPF Board reached out to Gen Y through both online and traditional channels. Better yet, trash it out with our star studded set of panellists who have been recognised as leaders in the HR industry, and hear from the horses’ mouth what exactly makes Gen Y tick through our Gen Y led interactive discussion panel.

For more details, please visit http://www.conferences.com.sg/S1352-HR11-27A-L.pdf or http://www.conferences.com.sg/conf-hr11.htm

For more information, please email Ms Lorraine Tiang at admin@conferences.com.sg or call us at +65 6372 2201.

Official Website: http://www.conferences.com.sg/conf-hr11.htm

Added by pacific.conferences on September 1, 2009