CHICAGO—Geja’s Café, 340 W. Armitage, the legendary fondue and lovers’ landmark, will celebrate its 46th anniversary with a series of special events the week of Sunday, June 26th through Thursday, June 30th. In addition to offering its traditional anniversary discount of 46% off all food bills during the 5-day Anniversary Celebration, Geja’s will also host its second annual recipe contest, as well as a poetry challenge.
Last year, Chicago’s most romantic restaurant hosted a unique marriage vow renewal ceremony for couples that became engaged at Geja’s Café. This year, Geja’s will honor its 46th year with poetry, the traditional anniversary gift, by inviting its devoted diners to compose original poetry about the Lincoln Park institution. Poetry submissions will be accepted between through June 15th. The poetry will be posted on Geja’s Café’s Facebook page and open to public voting. Geja’s team will then select from the top three selections and announce the winners just prior to the anniversary kick off week. The first place prize will include a dinner for 6 with premium wines selected by General Manager Kirby Matthews.
Geja’s also invites all aspiring fondue foodies to submit an original dipping sauce recipe to accompany Geja’s meats and seafood entrée. To enter, contestants should send their recipe and explain why the sauce should be served on Geja’s Café’s entrée platter. The winning recipe, in addition to being featured at Geja’s during the anniversary week, will also win a dinner for 6 with selected fine wines. Recipes must be submitted between by June 15th to be considered.
Both recipes and poetry entries should be submitted to In the subject line please put Recipe or Poetry Contest.
Official Website:
Added by boleary on May 18, 2011