Everyone's an honorary Geezer at the Geezer Gala. Join Two Right Feet Dance for a night of rock 'n' roll, poodle skirts and ducktails. Music by Rich and the Resistors, and prizes for best '50s-style costume and best dancing. Those who are turning 50 this year get in FREE and are eligible to win fabulous "vintage" birthday presents! Magician Harry Houdunit will perform. Hot dogs, popcorn and rootbeer floats available for purchase; birthday cake (for all Geezers born in 1959) provided. Be there or be square!
Organized by Two Right Feet DanceTwo Right Feet provides affordable private lessons in social dance basics for absolute beginners. Dances include swing, waltz, rumba, cha cha, foxtrot, salsa, etc. Our motto is "Forget Fred and GingerWe'll have you dancing like Fred and Wilma in no time!"
Check us out at www.tworightfeetdance.com
Ticket Info: Honorary Geezer, $10.99
Official Website: http://geezergala-upcoming.eventbrite.com