My Last Project
This month we thought we'd borrow from Simon Wheatley's idea that worked so well at BarCamp and invite GeekUpers to do a 20:20 on their last project.
Your last project could be a website, discovering Ruby Shoes, growing stuff #inthegarden, launching an affiliate network for a bathroom store, doing a web design 101 for a friend, running a celebrity gossip site, setting up your own home security camera network, singing articles from Wikipedia accompanied by a ukelele, presenting your own radio show / podcast, setting up a business, joining a rowing club, learning how not to get into your own house, creative crafts, making a greenhouse watering system with an Arduino, PR 101... anything!
So if you're interested in taking part, do let us know! We're a friendly bunch and we'll try not to heckle.
Projects so far:
"My Move to Ruby" - Jamie van Dyke
"Wii Can Work Together" - Dominic Hodgson
"My Next Project" - Tim Waters
"Ukepedia: Wikipedia on the Ukelele" - John Leach
What is GeekUp?
GeekUp is a community of web designers, web developers, and other tech-minded folk from the North. Our socials take place once a month in Chester, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield, Preston and Manchester and are always a lively place to share ideas and spread a little knowledge.
Who can attend GeekUp?
While the focus for GeekUp is predominately web related anybody involved in the technology industry is more than welcome to attend a GeekUp. The monthly events are free, we just ask that you buy your own beer.
Official Website:
Added by urbanwide on August 25, 2008