Summer is gone, Autumn is here and as such it seems a perfect time for the Geeks to pack up and head to the bright lights of classy BLACKPOOL and it's illuminations!!!!
Meeting at 7pm in Buccaneers (the restaurant in the centre of Coral
Contact me on 07766695302 if you are struggling to find us, get there
late or just want to breathe heavily down the phone at me.
* Coral Island is a huge amusement arcade on the prom, just north of the
tower. The entrance has a huge skull above it and you can't really miss
it. (
Gemma Cameron
Fri Oct 4th - Sat Oct 5th
Friday night
* 7pm Meet and Eat at Buccaneers (Restaurant in Coral Island)
* ~9pm Go out drinking and funmaking (possibly Funny Girls, we'll
decide over food)
* Enjoy the illuminations and tacky merchandise
Saturday day
* 11am - Meet at Pleasure Beach for fun on the rides!
Sort yourselves!
Official Website:
Added by GemC on September 2, 2008
See you all friday at 7pm (or Saturday 11am in Dave's case!)
I just went to add this to my calendar and realised I am already booked up on the Friday night. I might come and join you for Saturday though.