3333 Golfing Green Drive
Dallas, Texas 75234

Geeks Need to Network Too!

6:00 - 9:00PM

Brookhaven Country Club
3333 Golfing Green Drive, Dallas, TX 75234

What: Networking - Geeks need it to!

Networking is not just for the sales and marketing folks - it's for programmers, engineers, project managers and all technologists. Improving your professional network will improve your marketability for future jobs, provide access to future employees as well as access to other professionals who can help with any issues you may - on the job or off.

Networking is a vital skill for all professionals, so be sure to come out an listen to Philip Goodrich as he discusses the basics of networking and how you can put those skills to use for you.

6pm - Show up.
6:30pm - Presentation
8pm - Raffle

Cost: $5/person

RSVP: rsvp@geekmeet.com

Official Website: http://www.geekmeet.com

Added by holotrope on May 17, 2007

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