45 Church Road
Hove, England BN3 2BE

*Using Social Media for Personal Development and Promotion*

Geeks are already doing stuff that the rest of us should be taking advantage of: come along to learn and try out some of the secrets.

This workshop is aimed at people who would like to get a better grasp of some of the (ill-explained) new features of the web for their personal development or promotional activity.

Who would benefit:
* Artists (of any kind)
* Freelancers
* Promoters
* Anyone who uses the web!

Topics covered (at an introductory level):
* How the web is changing
* Social Bookmarking
* Feeds (RSS)
* Blogging
* Collaboration
* Shared Calendars

What you need to bring:
* A laptop (to briefly try some of the things we'll discuss - wifi provided)

This workshop is free.

Booking: If you're on upcoming, please mark yourself as attending here. If not, please contact me:

Blog post about this event:

Added by bensauer on February 4, 2008