45 Church Road
Hove, England BN3 2BE

*Using Social Media for Personal Development and Promotion*

Geeks are already doing stuff that the rest of us should be taking advantage of: come along to learn and try out some of the secrets.

This workshop is aimed at people who would like to get a better grasp of some of the (ill-explained) new features of the web for their personal development or promotional activity.

Who would benefit:
* Artists (of any kind)
* Freelancers
* Promoters
* Anyone who uses the web!

Topics covered (at an introductory level):
* How the web is changing
* Social Bookmarking
* Feeds (RSS)
* Blogging
* Collaboration
* Shared Calendars

What you need to bring:
* A laptop (to briefly try some of the things we'll discuss - wifi provided)

This workshop is free.

Booking: If you're on upcoming, please mark yourself as attending here. If not, please contact me:

Blog post about this event:

Added by bensauer on February 4, 2008



I'll probably be dead, having just arrived back from SXSW but it sounds like a great event! :)


I would like to come - do I need to sign up anywhere?


Josh has pointed out that a lot of Brighton geeks may be at SXSW during the event.

Geeks are welcome, but they may find that I cover stuff they already know!


hey shakermaker: you're on the list by marking yourself here as an attendee. I'll add a bit of detail about that into the event description...


hey folks,

one space left! Get in quick!


One other thing you should cover: version control. Geeks do it for a reason, then wish other people did it when things go wrong. :)


Hello attendees: you may find it helpful to do one little bit of preparation before the workshop, it'll save us some time on the day (if you're bringing your laptop).

Get firefox installed:

Many thanks!