What is it?
GeekGirl Boot Camps are technology "unconferences" for women of all ages and knowledge levels where you can go to take classes on everything to do with computers, PC and Mac, the Internet, marketing, consumer electronics, software, social media, Photoshop, blogging, podcasting, digital photography, and more.
It includes:
* Admission to all seminars - space allowances per room
* Admission to Break Out Groups on Various Topics
* Access to some of the finest experts in their fields
* Lunch
* Geek Girl Knowledge Bistro - All day Expert Help Desk, questions and answers, on Mac and PC, software and hardware, email and Internet, Web Browsers and Desktop
* Huge Schwag bag full of goodies to take home
* A Geek Girl Boot Camp tshirt - be the envy at your wireless hotspot!
* Great raffle gifts like iPods, printers and gift baskets
* Phenomenal Networking and Support Groups
* Cocktail Reception
* and Lots More!
Who should attend?
Anyone woman, from 16 to 80, who needs help with technology!
Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced
Entrepreneurs, employees, business owners, teachers, home businesses, consultants, stay at home Moms, women in transition, artists, non-profits, organizations, students, realtors, bankers, financial advisors, lawyers, PR, marketing/advertising, small business owners and (insert your job here!)
Your Mom! Your Grandmother! Your Daughter! Any woman you feel would benefit from the experience!
If you are a beginner just learning how to use computers, the Internet, digital cameras and more!
If you are an intermediate and know how to use a computer, but want to know more for your company or for fun!
If you are advanced, but want help on marketing your website, blog, podcast, social media skills and more!
What Are you Going to Learn? All levels of:
* How to Diagnose my Computer
* Becoming Proficient on my PC!
* Becoming Proficient on my Mac!
* QuickBooks Instruction for my Small Business
* Understanding my iPhone
* How to use iTunes
* Adobe Photoshop
* Digital Photography
* Graphic Design
* All about Google! Google Search, Analytics, Docs and more
* Video - How to shoot, market your video and what video cameras are for me?
* Getting Social Online with your Business with Social Media
* Podcasting - What is it, is it for me and how do I get started?
* InDesign
* Blogging - Steps from getting a domain name, to setting up a blog, adding comments and marketing it - all in ONE day!
Official Website: http://www.geekgirlcamp.com
Added by Geek Girl Camp on January 28, 2009