You're invited to an afternoon meetup with Kat to demo gDiapers, a new flushable diapering option.
gDiapers are designed to keep your baby dry and comfortable and the earth a little happier. The gDiaper system consists of colorful "little g" pants, a waterproof liner, and a flushable insert. After changing, the flushable can be flushed down the toilet, tossed in the trash to decompose, or composted.
Kat will provide some information about how they work & how to use them, and demonstrate the fitting technique on cute baby Miles. We'll meet in the cafe area where we can sit, have some coffee, and let the kids hang out.
Sunday, April 29, 2007, 3:30 PM
Whole Foods Market
400 Cambridge Street
Woburn , MA 01801
Added by Clampants on April 24, 2007
Erik Mallinson
gDiapers sounds like a dj.