409 W. 14 St.
New York City, New York 10010

This Friday February 10 at Lotus,
Marks the end of Fashion Week - so it is only appropriate that we bring in
Fashionista DJ, Jeremy Healy in from the UK to play for us.
Much loved in the UK, a bona-fide ex-British Pop Star, Boy George's old cohort and for many years a hugely popular international DJ, Jeremy is practically a legend. He's a great DJ too.
Our highly esteemed resident, DJ Angola, will also be spinning in the main room.
In the Flower room, Motherf**ker's Michael T. and guests play rock'n'roll, 80's, and new wave.
Downstairs, DJ Naomi plays hip-hop and classics.
Doors Open 10pm

GBH $10 reduced list till 1am call 212-539-3916 or list@gbh.tv

Ask for the GBH list at the door.

For table / bottle reservations call 212-807-6795


General Admission $20

Lotus 409 west 14 st. bet. 9 and 10 aves.
Upcoming Schedule of Events and DJs:
Feb 17 DJ Disciple
Feb 24 DJ Angola
March 3 Steven Lee (Lee Cabrera)
See You at the Party!

Added by Penstar on February 6, 2006

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