GBH at Lotus - Friday March 31
DJ Angola will be manning the decks all night, keeping us dancing with his mash-up mix of house, hip-hop, rock, funk, soul, pop and classics in the main room.
Michael T. (Motherf**ker) spins rock'n'roll and new wave in the flower room, while DJ Naomi spins hip-hop in the downstairs lounge.
World Renowned Photographer Howard Schatz will be attending the party - he'll be taking pictures for his forthcoming book, 'CLUBS' - so put your good shirt on and maybe you'll end up on someone's coffee table.
Doors Open 10pm
GBH $10 reduced admssion or more info
Ask for the GBH list at the door.
For table / bottle reservations call 212-807-6795
General Admission $20
Lotus 409 west 14 st. bet. 9 and 10 aves.
Added by Penstar on March 29, 2006